martina lantin

Passage (detail 1)

Press molded earthenware, slip, glaze Hallway: 13 × 15 × 6′ 2011

Passage (detail 2)

Press molded earthenware, slip, glaze Hallway: 13 × 15 × 6′ 2011

Passage (detail 3)

Press molded earthenware, slip, glaze Hallway: 13 × 15 × 6′ 2011


Press molded earthenware, slip, glaze Hallway: 13 × 15 × 6′ 2011


Press molded earthenware, slip, glaze Hallway: 13 × 15 × 6′ 2011

(molding detail)

Press molded earthenware, slip, glaze Hallway: 13 × 15 × 6′ 2011

(rosettes in progress)

Press molded earthenware, slip, glaze Hallway: 13 × 15 × 6′ 2011

Passage (hallway before installation)

Hallway: 13 × 15 × 6′ 2011


Old buildings hold a history that is conveyed through layers of paint, renovation and adaptation. Informed by recent changes in the design of the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, this project emphasizes the potentials for a space often overlooked.

Ceramics is a mimic taking on forms, textures and qualities of almost any material. I exploit this plasticity to elaborate on a passageway which functions as the path from one part of the museum to another. Changes to space may be noticed or assimilated into the background. Is this phenomenon based on the installation itself or the awareness of the audience? I am interested in the difference between the viewer's conscious and sub-conscious appreciation of their surroundings.

Passage (2011)

Next Portfolio » Arrowmont (2009–2010)